Friday, October 28, 2011

10/28/2011 Goldman Sachs Externship

Today fifteen members were allowed to travel into New York City to visit Goldman Sachs, a gold level sponsor of BWUA. During this externship members were exposed to several exclusive opportunities. They were allowed allowed to tour the company's headquarters and were given the chance to speak with several recruiters who enlightened the group on how best to approach the recruitment process from a student's perspective. To conclude the program, members were allowed to network with professionals to find out more about the day to day requirements of their jobs and how they were able to get there. All participants, especially the younger members certainly benefited from getting this professional exposure that will prepare them from future corporate interactions.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

10/18/2011 General Body Meeting - Putting Down the Books

During a hectic period in the fall semester, the Black Wharton Undergraduate Association hosted a study break to give all members a chance to step away from their desks and relax with friends. The meeting consisted of a presentation that offered various study tips and the academic support options available to students. Tyler Hyman and Chelsea McCook led the meeting. Afterwards, all members present were split into groups to play board games, such as scattegories and taboo. We wish all members the best of luck with all their midterm examinations!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

10/4/11 GBM Looking Good on Paper and in Person

Board members Robbie Dixon, Jarrid Tingle and Chris Russell began today’s meeting by giving new members an overview on how best to craft their resumes. The trio explained the importance of the resume, which if carefully crafted, can be used as a conversation starter, a self-marketing tool and a brief detailed description of one’s self to potential employers. Akin Alui, Tyler Hyman and Lauren Foster followed up with a presentation on business attire. The group elaborated on what constituted business casual, business formal and cocktail attire for both men and women in different industries. The general emphasis was for all members to keep in mind the various dressing norms for different industries.