Yesterday, the Black Wharton Undergraduate Association kicked-off the new year with its first general body meeting of the spring semester! The meeting focused on introducing the organization to the appointed and executive board members, and helping members prepare for interviews with an “Acing the Interview Process” themed game of Jeopardy. The Board also introduced their new goals for the semester, which include improving professional development by diversifying corporate sponsors, increasing member participation in community service, creating a test bank to help members academically, and holding more social events throughout the year to market the BWUA family brand.
After the newly elected club President, Paul Ampofo, spoke about his excitement for the year, the 50 BWUA members in attendance enjoyed a meal from Baby Blues BBQ, featuring ribs, BBQ chicken, macaroni and cheese, and apple cobbler. As members conversed with one another, Ampofo and the newly appointed Director of Membership, Ike Onyeador, led everyone in a game of Jeopardy, focused on teaching members about the Dos and Don'ts of the interview process. Members were split into 4 teams, each with a captain who acted as the team's speaker during the competitive game that tested one's knowledge of interviews. BWUA member and captain of the winning team, Kwadwo Agyapong, said, "The game was a cool and on an engaging topic. The food was amazing and, Overall, it was a great event to start off the year!" As the meeting came to a close, the winning team celebrated with BWUA t-shirts and water bottles as members socialized and learned about becoming involved with Black Wharton through the Marketing, Finance, Membership, Freshman, and Community Service Committees.
If you would like to learn more about how you can Ace the Interview Process, please visit this website: