You don't want to graduate College wishing you'd done more. Let BWUA help you maximize your time at Penn.
First, we took a look at business fraternities on campus that are provide a little bit of everything. While there are three on campus — Delta Sigma Pi, and Alpha Kappa Psi, and Phi Gamma Nu— we focused on DSP and AKPsi. Kenge Blue and member of AKPsi talked about the benefits of being in a business fraternity and her experience within it. Anyone can join a business fraternity, so even if you're an English major that's interested in learning more about business, you are more than welcome to give it a try.Next, we looked at Wharton Leadership Ventures. These ventures are an opportunity for students to challenge themselves mentally and physically by participating in team-building and critical thinking activities. Whether you'd prefer a class-room based workshop or a rigorous mountain climbing trek, there are various experiences that will allow you to open your mind and expand your horizons. Ann Okhupe spoke about her participation in a venture and how much fun she had in it.
Research is a great way to learn more about a topic you may be interested in and the skills you gain are transferrable to any field of work. We talked about how to get involved in research, who to talk to, and even where you can find grants to support your endeavors. You could even get published because, who doesn't want to see their name in print?
Courses are difficult, most will be. But there are some hidden gems that you can register for when you just need that GPA boost. Often, these classes tend to be engaging and exciting and can be a great change-up from your usual course load. We offered a list of interesting courses and courses with great ratings on PennCourseReview. Global Modular Courses are fun short Wharton term classes taught abroad and Academically Based Community Service Courses allow you learn and serve the West Philadelphia community while you do.
Next, we looked at the Wharton International Program which gives students the opportunity to earn 0.5 CU and travel abroad for a short term to fulfill their business breadth requirement. Students get to tour cities, meet exciting Wharton alums and hear lectures at other universities. Mahu Attenoukon and Alex Wiggins both spoke about their experiences with WIP.
Penn Abroad offers all students the opportunity to travel and study abroad in the summer, semesterly or even for a full academic year. With a wide range of countries and programs, there's sure to be one for you. Financial aid is available to students who are eligible and if your program of choice isn't offered at Penn, you're more than welcome to petition for it.
The Senior Capstone Event allows Wharton seniors to gain 0.5 CU in an event that brings together everything they've learned in their years at Wharton.
Penn offers a variety of free workshops ranging from Intro to Excel and Intro to Photoshop to Bloomberg 101. These workshops are often held in the Weigle Information Commons or Lippincott Library —both of which are found in Van Pelt Library. Check out their websites for a calendar with lists of workshops.
Case competitions and business plan competitions are a way for you to meet new people, learn more about a particular industry or company, and use your skills to solve a problem as a team. There are usually monetary prizes that make the journey all the more exciting. Makini Hughes and Kendall Finlay, teammates on a case competition in Indiana spoke about how much they learned and grew from the experience. There is currently a BWUA sign up sheet for those who are interested in participating in a case competition but are looking for teammates.
Lastly we reminded our members that while they maximize their time at Penn, they should take care of themselves both physically and mentally.